Zapesochnoe, Belarus
The former location of the Kaufman Farm in Zapesochnoe, per a current Zapesochnoe resident, is marked on the 1927 map to the right
Per an 1870 Russian record listing Leib Kaufman as a free tenant farmer, he rented 20 tithes of land (approximately 50 acres) in the Lelchitsy estate on the farm called Pesochnoe (the precursor name for Zapesochnoe). The rent for this parcel of farmland was 12 rubles per year.
In 1910, Sarah went to court to contest the land lease terms inacted by Count Tyshkevich, the land owner. Russian court records, archived in Saint Petersburgh, indicate she lost the case.
In July of 1943, the Nazis invaded and burnt down all 42 buildings in Zapesochnoe. Ten of the 140 villagers were killed.
Sarah, the last Kaufman to live on the farm, had left the farm in the early 1920s to live out her remining years in the village of Levkovichi, Ukraine.

Current-Day Zapesochnoe
Only one family remains living in Zapesochnoe in 2022.
One of the family members identified some landmarks around the town which are shown on the satellite image to the left.
Leaving the Farm
One by one, the Kaufman children left the Kaufman Farm. Some moved to nearby towns and some resettled much further away.
Sarah was the last to leave the farm in the early 1920s.
The map on the right shows where Kaufman children settled in the general vicinity of Zapesochnoe.

A Long Way from the Farm